Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Do something this holidays

Dear All,

Happy Holidays!

Every holiday I will try to set a simple goal for myself. Be it to read a certain number of books, or to travel, or even to learn a new skill, like baking or drawing etc.

How about you? Did you set a goal for yourself this holidays? Or are you going somewhere with your parents?

If you are going for a holiday, share your adventures with us. Email me your photos and a short write-up or caption, and I will post it here to share with your classmates.

If you have read a book and would like to share with your friends as well, email me too!

My email address: liu_huanjia_tracy@moe.edu.sg

Let me start by sharing a photo with you.

Mirador De San Nicolas - Granada, Spain

This is a viewing point in Granada, Spain.

There will be more photos to come! Do send me your holiday adventures as well! :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

SPS Interactions Ans

2) Pins A and B had become temporary magnets.
3) C has become a temporary magnet.
4) (Cross out)
5) The magnetic force is too weak to attract any more pins.

1)  He tied a string to a magnet and lower it into the fish tank to pull out the ruler.
2)  She used a magnet to attract the paper clips.
3)  He placed a magnet under the table.
4)  He would stroke the iron nail with a magnet many times in 1 direction.
5)  She wrapped the magnet with a piece of paper.

1)  The iron nail had become a temporary magnet.
4) More coils around the wire, more pins will be picked up.

5) Increase the number of batteries.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Shi En's Writing - A Birthday Party

Dear All,

Shi En has written a great piece on A Birthday Party and I think we should read it and identify what are the parts that she has done right. :) Leave a comment for her composition!

A Birthday Party, by Shi En

"Mary, go get the balloons and streamers. We need to decorate the hall for your brother's birthday party," Mother's voice boomed across the living room. Mary and Mother were busy preparing food and decoration while Father hung the pinata in the balcony. Being the birthday boy, Eric felt on top of the world and he jumped around jubilantly while waiting for his friends to arrive.

Soon, the doorbell rang. Eric heard the doorbell and sprinted to the door excitedly. When he opened the door, he heard his friends cheered, "Happy birthday, Eric!" A smile cracked across Eric's face like sunbeam and delight was written all over his face. His friends had brought him presents of all shapes and sizes which were wrapped neatly with beautiful wrapping paper. Feeling on top of the world, Eric guided his friends to the garden. They spotted the fresh and beautiful flowers, and the trees swayed gently with the breeze. It was the perfect day to hold a birthday party!

Mother and Mary carried the trays of food and put it on the table while Father carried a three-tiered cake and placed it beside the food.  The cake was covered in chocolate icing and big bold words "Happy Birthday Eric!" was on the cake. Everyone cheered in exhilaration and broke into wide grins.The delicious aroma of food filled the air and soon every was eating hungrily. Tom and Dan, Eric's best friends, sneaked quietly towards the cake while Eric was eating and chatting with his friends merrily. The duo saw two toy swords beside the cake and became excited as those were the new models of swords that could change colours at a press of a button. As incessant giggles and lively chatter filled the air, Tom and Dan impishly started playing with the swords. 'Swish', 'Swosh'. Tom and Dan battled each other vigorously and waved their swords wildly.

To their horror, when Tom ducked just as Dan swung his sword at him, the sword hit the cake on the table and smashed onto the floor, ruined. Eric and his friends gasped in horror. "What have you done?" Eric yelled at the boys. Tom and Dan, who were tongue-tied, looked at Eric apologetically and muttered, "We are sorry, Eric. We didn't mean to..." By now, all eyes were fixed on the two boys. Eric's face turned red and tears flowed involuntarily. He tried to fight back his tears and buried his tear-stained face in his hands as he sniffed constantly. Embarrassment crept up Dan and Tom's ears and cheeks. Soon, the party was over.

Everyone went home with a heavy heart. Tom and Dan hung their heads in shame. They regretted their actions. Tears welled in their eyes as they knew how their actions had sadden their friend. It was an accident that would forever be ingrained in their memory. Tom and Dan learnt never to be careless again.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Show not tell

It's our composition test next Tuesday.  Let's recap what is show not tell.

Instead of telling our readers that the character is embarrassed,  we show using phrases like those in the picture.

Please revise and remember these phrases as they will come in handy in your writing.

Spelling quiz

After marking your compositions,  I realised that many of you spelt this word wrongly.

Can you try spelling it again?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oral & Picture Discussion Tips

Hi Girls,

Quick recap of what we did in class for Reading and Picture Discussion.

1) Pace - Reading speed is just right, pause when needed.
2) Pronunciation - Pronounce all the ending sounds (-s, -t, -ed, -d).
3) Read loud enough for the examiner to hear.
4) Read with confidence!

Picture Discussion:
(See DOC)

See - This picture shows a scene at the _____________.

D (Describe)

O (Opinion)

C (Conclusion)

Sample of what we discussed in class based on the picture in your book.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Happy Children's Day!

Dear children,


1. Wear PE attire on Monday
2. Bring pencil case, diary, Science Process Skills Booklet,  EL and Math SA2 practice paper.
3. Go to MConline to complete assignments.

Lastly, have a great weekend and Happy Children's Day!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bar Graphs on the internet

We have been learning about graphs this week and I saw this bar graph on a website.

Take a look and see how bar graphs are use in real life. In articles like that, a bar graph gives us a quick idea of the information without having to read the entire story.

Keep a lookout for different types of graphs in the newspaper this weekend. What are the purpose of the bar graphs and do they help us in our lives? :)

Article with Bar Graph

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Math Girls special assignment

Dear Math Girls,

1) Please check MConline for a tutorial on graphs.

2) For the assignment, you are to use your name and count the number of A, E, I, O and U.
After that you have to create a bar graph. You can use a blank piece of paper to draw the bar graph.

You should have a table with the number in each alphabet, as well as the bar graph.

Remember to bring it to class to show us tomorrow! 

Frog farm excursion

What have you learnt at the frog farm about frogs, their habitat, life cycle and feeding habits?

Share your findings and reflection in the comments. The best written ones get a surprise next monday, 30 sept!

Conclusion for composition

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Removal of chat box

Dear Girls,

I have removed the chat box as there have been some spam messages lately.

For my Math girls, please do check your MConline on 20th September, after 12 noon for the secret post. :)

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

National Day

All decked in red and white! 
Remember to do your reflections and submit in the comments. :) 

Preposition tree

Preposition tree done by some of your classmates. Do let me know whose are these so that I can give you credit for it. :)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Science projects

These are some works done by your classmates during the holidays.

Great work!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Characteristics of Materials

Dear Children,

As mentioned in class, here is an interesting website that you can explore to find out more about properties of various materials.

Properties of Materials

Please visit the website and we can discuss the points in class. :)

Monday, July 1, 2013


Watch the video and discuss what we have learnt about fractions in the past 2 days. :)

Leave your discussion in the comments.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Aswini's blog

Dear Children,

Aswini has started her own blog!


Do check it out and I hope to see more posts on her blog! :)

Amy's June Holiday

Dear Children,

Amy has shared with us where she went during the June Holidays. Let's read more and find out!

I had an enjoyable and memorable June school holiday as my family toured Taiwan for 8 days from 19 to 26 June 2013. We visited Taipei, Yilan, Tai Chung, Miaoli, Hsinchu and Tao Yuan. 

I also took many rides at the Window on China Theme Park. The scariest ride was Wipeout. The wind was so strong at the Santiao Chiao Lighthouse that my sister and I were almost blown away. 

I had my first experience in plucking China pears and grapes as well as making pottery cups and figurine activity. It was so fun. I hope to visit Taiwan again.

Sounds like Amy had a great time! Would you like to share what you did during the holidays too?  :) 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Task 3 (June Holidays Assignment)

Here's a writing challenge for you!

Go to this website: http://writingfix.com/forkids/noungame.htm and click on the buttons to choose 3 nouns.

Write about a short story or a poem based on the nouns that you have selected in the comments. Remember to write down the nouns that you have chosen.

Have fun!

Task tracker updates - how many stars have you achieved?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Task 2 (June Holidays Assignment)

Let's look at a brainteaser for today!

Marcus, Sam and Katherine love sport. One likes football, one likes tennis and the other likes water polo.
Who likes which sport?
       ► Katherine likes all water sports.
        ► Marcus enjoys football.

Post your answer in the comments page. 


Monday, June 3, 2013

Task 1 (June Holidays Assignment)

Dear Children,

For the first task this holidays, let us start with something easy and fun.

We will be reading the book, 'Where The Wild Things Are', an award-winning children's book written by Maurice Sendak.

Let's watch the video!

After watching the video, let's discuss the following points in the comments.

1) Were you able to make any T2S (Text to self) connection? If you have, what is it?

2) Does this story reminds you of any stories that we have read in Semester 1? If so, which one and why?

3) Do you think the Wild Things were real? Why?

Feel free to bring up any other questions or thoughts you might have. :)

By the way, I am listening to this audiobook, Matlida by Roald Dahl. I love this book so much that I've read it about 3 to 4 times! If you are interested, you can listen to it here:

Enjoy! :)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Everything is possible

Dear Children,

I saw this video online and thought that I would like to share it with you.

The little girl is only about 5 to 6 years-old and she was unfazed in the situation below. On top of that, she played great tennis! :)

I'm sure all of us have it inside us. It is a matter of practice and believing in ourselves. Find your passion and work on it!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Holiday Assignments

Dear Children,

Here are the holiday assignments as mentioned today.

1) Science Botanist and Zoologist Cards.
2) MConline (Assignments will be posted on 3rd June onwards)
3) Tasks on our class blog.
 - These tasks will be on all subjects and will require you to post a comment, solution or just a reply.
 - Every time you complete a task successfully, I will put a star on your name in this page: Task Tracker
 - When school reopens, girls who have completed a certain number of stars will be rewarded from my goodie box. I will also be giving a book to the girl who has completed the most number of tasks with shown effort. :)

4) Read at least 3 books this holiday! I will be doing the same and letting you know the books I have read.

If you have anything interesting you wish to share with your classmates, go to http://missliuclass.blogspot.sg/p/i-want-to-share.html and post your information there.

Do make use of the holidays to do 3 R! Revise, Relax and Read!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why I should read everyday

I try to squeeze in some time every day for reading because it is a habit, and a hobby.

How about you? Do you know why you should read every day too? Show your parents this diagram and share with them the importance of reading. :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Certificates of Accomplishment and Super Reader Draw

Dear Children,

If you have read 25 books since the beginning of this year, please let me know as you would qualify for the Super Reader Draw.

If you have done 10 book reviews, do show it to me to get your Certificates as well.

Post in the comments below so that I can track easily.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Picture Discussion

Hi Children,

Here is a picture for you to practice your Picture Discussion. 

Remember S.DOC? --> Scene, Description, Opinion and Conclusion

Make use of S.DOC and type out what you would say for the picture below in the comments. Then practice saying it to your family members. 

If everyone does one, we will have plenty of ideas for this picture! :) 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Personal Qualities

Dear Children,

Please click on the word below to fill in the form. You must complete it or it will not be captured.

Personal Qualities

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Adverbs galore

We did adverbs last term when reading 'The Wolf's Story'.

Here is the mindmap that we did:

Let's do a quick review.

Adverbs of manner - HOW something is done.
The burglar walked quietly into the room.

Adverbs of degree - To what extent something is done.
The burglar walked really quietly into the room.

Adverbs of time 
The burglar walked really quietly into the room at night.

Your task: Write one adverb in the comments. 

Comprehension Answer Key

Answer for Comprehension 1 & 2 Worksheet

Term 2 Comprehension Worksheets Answer Key

Passage 1
1.  We should visit the dentist at least twice a year.
2.  We should brush our teeth at least twice a day and floss or teeth on a daily basis.
3.  Brushing stimulates gums while flossing removes food left between teeth.
4.  When we experience a sharp pain or discomfort when pressure is put on the teeth or if we feel extreme hotness of coldness.
5.  The word is ‘reduce’.

          Passage 2
1.  The author wanted to stay behind at the foot of the hill.
2.  They were her sandwiches and swimming sessions.
3.  The author did not have much strength to take in much of the view.
4.  "it" refers to the unopened bottle of mineral water.
5.  No, he did not. He turned away from it. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Values in Action!

Today was our Values in Action Day!

We had a great time going around the neighbourhood and helping to clean up the neighbourhood. We also shared with the neighbours about what it means to be a good neighbour! 

Here are some photos.  

Suggest some captions for each of the photo and I will update them on this page! :)

1. Excited to clean up the neighbourhood!






Adjectives describing your best friend

"My best friend is kind, pretty and smart." - Does this sentence tell you a lot about my best friend? 

How can we better describe someone's characteristic or personality?

Let's watch this video. Post a comment and type in the word or words that you hear. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Multiplication & Division Topical Practice Ans

Hi Children,

We have already discussed the answers to the topical practice in class today. Here is a video with 3 questions - Q 7, 10 and 11. Do look at it if you need help understanding the questions.

Remember, the practice is for you to know how much you have learnt and understand. If it is not what you had expected, let's put in the effort to practise and revise, so that we can do better the next time round! :)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Math WS 11 Ans

Here is the answer for Worksheet 11 of Multiplication and Division. We have yet to go through the questions, but we will do so on Monday. Meanwhile, you can look through the answers and note down the parts that you are unsure of. 

Being responsible of our learning will help us learn better and get more out of it! 

Remember, persistence is the key. There's no failure, just how we are going to improve and become better. :)