Monday, June 10, 2013

Task 3 (June Holidays Assignment)

Here's a writing challenge for you!

Go to this website: and click on the buttons to choose 3 nouns.

Write about a short story or a poem based on the nouns that you have selected in the comments. Remember to write down the nouns that you have chosen.

Have fun!

Task tracker updates - how many stars have you achieved?


  1. My words are: dinosaur, zoo and spoon.

    In a small town in Australia, there was a very special zoo that kept unique animals that many of us have never seen before.

    There were tigers with two heads and elephants that were tall as giraffes! Polar bears that cannot bear the cold, and penguins that give birth to young! (Which is not possible because we learnt that penguins lay eggs! But this is a story after all.)

    The only normal and boring animal in the zoo was a young, energetic dinosaur, Pete. Pete had been staying in the zoo for over a decade but he had no friends because the rest of the animals thought that he was too normal! They would laugh at his tiny hands and large head, and not let him join in their games. Pete was lonely and miserable. He wanted to escape from the zoo and find a new home.

    One day, as Pete was looking out of his cage, he saw the spoon on the floor. Well, you might not know, but this is no ordinary spoon! In this zoo, the keys to cages are spoons! So imagine the joy Pete had when he saw the 'key' to the cage!

    Quickly he reached out for the spoon with his short tiny hands. It wasn't easy but he managed it finally! Pete then opened the door and dashed out of the zoo so quickly that no one saw him!

    Pete finally escaped the zoo. As he ran into the open desert area in Australia, he heaved a sigh of relief. How happy he was to finally leave the zoo. At that moment, however, he suddenly realised... he had left something important behind...

  2. Hi Miss Liu,
    My words are: A Girl, A Castle and Some Candy.

    In a far away land named Candy Crush, there is a pink castle with some sweets decorated around it.

    Everyday, there will be a girl called Minnie, with two pretty braids counting her sweets one by one as she did not have friends to play with her.

    "One, two, three, four, five..." the girl will be counting and counting, from morning till sun set.

    One day, her father shouted, "Minnie! A girl and her parents just moved beside our castle! Are you excited? There will be someone to play with you from now on! You need not count sweets every day! "

    After hearing that, Minnie jumped up from her chair and ran out of the castle. "Hello, my name is Minnie! Welcome!" The girl shook hands with Minnie and her name was Mary.

    Ever since Mary lived beside them, Minnie became very cheerful and the both of them became the best of friends.

  3. My words are : a Girl, a Castle and a diamond

    Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Crystal who stayed in a majectic castle. She loves diamonds very much. She decorated her castle and rooms with diamonds and gems.

    One fine morning, Crystal went out to pick some nice berries for baking some delicious muffins, a wicked witch casted a spell on her castle to make all the diamonds and gems disappeared.

    Crystal went back to the castle with a basket full of berries and saw the wicked witch casting a spell on her castle. She was startled and terrified. She stood root to the ground.

    Meanwhile, there was a handsome prince passing by the castle and saw Crystal in a shock state. He asked " my beautiful princess, what happen? can I help you"?

    Crystal replied "the wicked witch casted a spell on my castle!"

    Without further delay, the prince took out his sword and fought ferciously with the witch. He managed to kill the witch and the spell was broke. The castle was back to its original state.

    Crystal decided to marry the prince and they lived happily ever after :)

    1. My words is :a queen,classroom and a dimond
      One brilliant morning,I woke up to eat my breakfast.Then I went to school.
      I was always the earliest to come to school.Even though today.I saw a letter on my table and it said:Dear pupil,I am the queen from the village.I does not have enough money but I have only one dimond.Who was the first to come in who will get it .From the kindessest queen .
      Then I took it into my bag and I took out the pocket money and took out fifty dollar and put in the envelope.
      Then,I sent to the kind queen.Then, the queen received the money and was so happy.She sent me a thank you card.
      I was very happy and she live happily ever.

  4. My words are : A Queen,A Castle and Some Candy

    One day the queen of England and her daughter Phoebe visited a land named candy land.The land was decorate with candies and people wearing candies suit.

    Phoebe found it interesting and touch it.When she touch her favorite candy which one man was wearing it.Then the man said"who are you do not touch me understand".in a angry manner to Phoebe.

    The queen then pulled Phoebe away and talk to the man,the queen then asked the man "why are you all wearing this candy suit.

    The man replied"the king of candy land told everyone to get this type of suit so that when people visits us they now where we come from".The queen wanted to visit the king so she asked the man to bring her to see the king.

    When the queen saw him the queen thought that he was 60+ as the queen saw the king with alot of white hair.then it finally came to the moment that the queen can speak"why do you ask them to wear such costume". She said in a proudly manner.

    Then the king told the queen that his father told him to do so.Then the queen wanted to find a place to stay so she asked the king to let Phoebe and her to stay for 1 night,then the king agreed.The next morning the queen and Phoebe continue there journey together on their house carriage.

  5. One sunny morning, a queen woke up, looking at the garden outside the castle. In her garden there was a magic flower that will turn into gold.

    One fine afternoon, the queen and her daughter walked around the garden, the daughter noticed the magic flower and touched it. When the look behind, her daughter turned into gold. The queen burst into tears. She told the servants to ‘melt’ it and hoping her daughter will be returned back to her usual self. The queen learned her lesson and she cut down the magic flower.

  6. My words are:a turtle,a factory and a crayon

    The sky was overcast and a clap of thunder could be heard in the distance. A turtle, Jim had bushy eyebrows, thin moustache, dark flat hair and a hesitant smile.
    Jim worked in a crayon factory. His boss made him work non-stop everyday and gave him very little salary as compared to the rest of the workers. Everyone in the factory bullied him. Although Jim had been teased by the workers, he still worked very hard to produce many different colours of crayon.
    Just then, someone by the name of Jack opened the gate. Jim said,"We are not open, please come back again tomorrow." However, Jack still insisted of coming in. When Jack went into the factory, he said to Jim, "I will change your life." Jim said, "That's a good idea." Jack used his magic wand and tapped Jim's shoulder two times and 'boom'.
    The next day, the workers in the factory did not tease Jim anymore and they became friends with Jim. Jim's boss did not give him less salary nor make him work non-stop creating crayon. Jim was very grateful to Jack for helping him.
