Thursday, May 30, 2013

Holiday Assignments

Dear Children,

Here are the holiday assignments as mentioned today.

1) Science Botanist and Zoologist Cards.
2) MConline (Assignments will be posted on 3rd June onwards)
3) Tasks on our class blog.
 - These tasks will be on all subjects and will require you to post a comment, solution or just a reply.
 - Every time you complete a task successfully, I will put a star on your name in this page: Task Tracker
 - When school reopens, girls who have completed a certain number of stars will be rewarded from my goodie box. I will also be giving a book to the girl who has completed the most number of tasks with shown effort. :)

4) Read at least 3 books this holiday! I will be doing the same and letting you know the books I have read.

If you have anything interesting you wish to share with your classmates, go to and post your information there.

Do make use of the holidays to do 3 R! Revise, Relax and Read!


  1. hi miss liu , you said that you are going to put tasks on this class blog to let us do. May I know when will you post?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Kerrin,

      I will be posting the tasks on Tuesday and Friday.

    2. Okay Thank You.The Science Young Zoologist Badge Q11 (Not the poem/imaginary thing) How do we do that question? Thank you.

    3. Dear Kerrin, let me check and get back to you. :)

    4. Hi Miss Liu , Okay Thanks :P

  2. Hi Kerrin, instead of the bulletin board, you can work on a poster.

    It can either be a hand-drawn copy or a soft copy. If it's a soft copy, we will publish on this website. If it's a hard copy, we can put it on the notice board when school reopens.

  3. Hi Miss Liu ,Ok Thanks (:

  4. Hi Miss Liu, the young zoologist badge Question 8 which we need to make a bottle garden do we need to plant the plants????
