Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sept Hols Sharing 3

The following post is from Xayna. She did all the writing activities! Good attempt!

1. If cats have a country all to themselves, what would be the word to their national anthem?
I guess the words for their national anthem would be:   Salmon fish, angel fish, we cats eat any fish. We chase mice, run round and round.
As one nation, we march together and definitely, we stand for each other.

2. Do you know the details surrounding the invention of the ice cream sundae? Neither do we. But don't let that stop you: write a one-page play about this very important moment in history.

I guess that the ice-cream is called ice-cream sundae maybe because it was a person who had eaten ice cream on a special Sunday.

3. Come up with 10 new users with popcorn (other than eating it)
1st: use as earplugs
2nd: use for art and craft
3rd: use for decorating iPhone covers
4th: use for perfume
5th: put in water bottle with water to make water sweet
6th: play with it/throw at people
7th: wipe your face with it
8th: break a tooth
9th: dirty the walls
10th: sell it

4. Give three absolutely ridiculous, laughably false explanations for the sky being blue.
1st: a helicopter flew pass the sky and the man in the helicopter splashed blue paint out of the helicopter
2nd: there is blue air in the sky so the sky is blue
3rd: people always draw a picture and coloured the sky blue

6. The items in your refrigerator have gone on strike and posted a list of demands (right next to the ketchup). What are their demands?

The eggs are on strike. They said
‘‘I do not want to be used for baking cakes!!

I want to be placed on a proper egg tray!!''

Sept Hols Sharing 2

10 uses of popcorn

  1. To use as flowers
  2. To curl up your hair
  3. To make toys
  4. To grind for painting walls
  5. To fake a dirty tooth on April fools' day
  6. To make a back scratcher
  7. To make granola crakers
  8. To make a wig
  9. To massage your feet
  10. To use as coins for role play

(Written by Meg)

  1. Popcorn can be used for ear plugs
  2. Unpopped popcorns can be used for beanbags
  3. decoration for ceremonial headdresses, necklaces, and ornaments
  4. cleaning up ocean oil spills
  5. use as a stuffing to pack fragile things
  6. Make a popcorn perfume
  7. Stuffings for teddy bear
  8. Cushion for the shoe
  9. Stuffings for your skirt to become fluffier and softer
  10. Plant a popcorn tree

(Written by Katrina)

3 absolutely ridiculous, laughably false explanations for the sky being blue

1: George Washington and all the other presidents came up with an idea to paint the sky blue.
2: It was the creator of the world's favorite colour.
3: Ra, the sun god of Egypt, did not want the sky to be orange anymore, so he decided to change the colour to blue.

(Written by Meg)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sept Hols Sharing 1

Writing Activity by Amy:

Ten uses of popcorn
1.Use popcorn to decorate hair
2.Use popcorn as a cushion
3.When the floor is wet, use popcorn to clean the mess
4.Use popcorn as a guard in fights
5.Use it to replace teeth
6.Use popcorn as coaster
7.Use popcorn to create music
8.On a hot day, freeze a packet of popcorn and put on the forehead
9.Use popcorn in art and craft
10.Use packet of popcorn to hit people in fights

Reading Activity by Adrianne:
My book: The book thief
Title: Writing to a fictional friend
 I would want Liesel Meminger as my friend. I would want her as my friend because she is very interesting , she likes to read books and she likes to run. We would read and write together and we would talk about her life in world war 2 and about Hitler.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September Holidays Book Review Options

You may choose to do one of the following for the book that you have read during the holidays:


Write to a friend, the author, or to a character about this book. Write as if you were the character or author and write to yourself.

 Dear author
After reading a book the student(s) write the author via the publisher (who always forwards them).
Rewrite a scene and change the gender of the characters to show how they might act differently (e.g., Lord of Flies).

Translate chapters into storyboards and cartoons; draw the most important scene in the chapter and explain its importance and action.

Fictional friends
Who of all the characters would you want for a friend? Why? What would you do or talk about together?

Dear diary
Keep a diary as if you were a character in the story. Write down events that happen during the story and reflect on how they affected the character and why.

 That was then, this is now
After reading the text, create a Before/After list to compare the ways in which characters or towns have changed over the course of the story. Follow up with discussion of reasons.

September Holiday Assignment Details

1)    Writing activity from class website
2)    Read a book and do a simple review (You can choose what you want to do!)
3)    CB9 (all)
(Bookmarks will be given for effort shown for writing, and book review! Collect up to 4!)

1)    Watch video on class website about Symmetry
2)    Take photos/ look online for things with symmetry OR Create a piece of art/ cutting to show symmetry.
3)    AB pg 15 – 23
4)    Math Alive Reflection sheet & Math alive (for those who have not completed)

1)    MCOnline videos and assessments

1) VIA form! (Monday to stay back for VIA)
2) VIA data collection 

September Holidays Math Assignment

Dear All,

For Math, you have to do the following:

1) Watch the 2 videos below about Symmetry:

2) Take photos or look online for things with symmetry. OR Create a piece of art or cutting to show symmetry. (Watch the second video for inspiration.)
3) AB pg 15 to 23.

Have fun exploring symmetry!

Monday, September 1, 2014

September Holidays Writing Task

Dear all,

Happy Holidays! (in 3 days time)

As we take a break to prepare for next term's final exams, let's remember to keep our minds active and have some simple fun.

Choose one of the following to write about and share with your classmates. I will put up a platform for us to share our writings. If you prefer to write instead of type, you can take a photo of what you have written to share also!

  1. If cats had a country all to themselves, what would be the words to their national anthem?
  2. Do you know the details surrounding the invention of the ice cream sundae? Neither do we. But don't let that stop you: write a one-page play about this very important moment in history.
  3. Come up with ten new uses for popcorn (other than eating it).
  4. Give three absolutely ridiculous, laughably false explanations for the sky being blue.
  5. Some people still believe that the earth is flat! Whether or not you agree with this theory, come up with as much evidence as you can to support it.
  6. The items in your refrigerator have gone on strike and posted a list of demands (right next to the ketchup). What are their demands?
The above items might sound silly, but it's ok! Let your creativity flow! I will be writing one too! 

Have fun! :) 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Snatch Theft

As we are doing a composition on Snatch Theft, let's look at these videos. Take note of how the snatch theft happened, and how the victims reacted.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Social Studies/ Math Trail on 8 July

1.    a small bag
2.    water bottle
3.    stationery
4.    clipboard
5.    healthy snack
6.    cap/ umbrella (optional)
7.    poncho (optional)
8.    measuring tape (if you have)
9.    homework to submit (EL LS & Math)

1.    PE t-shirt
2.    Pinafore
3.    Track shoes allowed

MUST BRING – Consent Form!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Math Alive Task

Dear Girls,

Happy Holidays!

As I had mentioned in class, you would have to work on the Math Alive cards during the school holidays.

You can do the activities on any paper/ book/ file. It would be good to get a small notebook to record all your work so that you can showcase it in class and show the others. If it is good, we can also show it to the other classes! :)

Here are the activities that you can work on:
Task Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9.

The others might be challenging for you as we have not gone through the topics yet.

Have fun and feel free to email me to share what you have done or if you need any help at all!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Math Activities

1. Sudoku Online
Level 1 -- Click here!
Level 2 -- Click here!

(Always choose the easy level first!)

2. --> Test has been assigned!

3. Miss Liu's games (Multiplication games)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fire! Worksheet

(D) Page 4
1. (O) The person suggested that the fire broke out because of playing of matches, but the reason for the fire is not stated in the story.
2. (F) The person saw what was burnt.
3. (F) The person did hear the explosion.
4. (O) They did not know if the parents have forgotten to leave the keys with the children, so it is an opinion.
5. (O) ‘should’ tells us that it is an advice, so it is an opinion.

Pg 11
1.  You shouldn’t start a fire at the stove without adult supervision.
2.  You should ask your siblings to help you onto the chair.
3.  You shouldn’t play with matches.

Pg 10
2. Officer Dollah wanted to know who had started the fire.
3. My neighbour asked if my father had climbed over the gate.
5. Megan exclaimed that the curtains were on fire.
6. The parents were told that their children were unhurt.
7. Mrs Tan said that some children were in the kitchen.

8. Mr Tan explained that the front door was locked

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Words useful for describing what happens during a fire

  • Thick, heavy smoke
  • Reduced visibility
  • The curtains were ignited
  • Massive flames
  • Within minutes, the fire was raging out of control
  • Call the fire brigade
  • Fire fighters hook up to a fire hydrant, pull out the fire hoses and put the fire out
  • Ceilings were blackened, furniture was burnt

Watch the video here if you want to review:

Monday, May 5, 2014

Conclusion - A Lesson Learnt


Looking back, Harry learned that he should have listened to his mother’s advice not to jaywalk. (Lesson learnt) 

He promised to be more careful when crossing the road. 

Harry was relieved that he was not seriously injured and resolved to wake up earlier for school in the future. 

Bullying Incident Writing by Arwen

It was after school when Sam was skipping home. He was happy because he had got a good grade for his exam. He had combed his hair in an organized way in the morning yet it was still neat.

“La, la, la, la, la,” sang Sam in a happy mood while walking home. He was walking until, all of a sudden, Ben stood in front of Sam casting a shadow on Sam. Sam shook and shivered in fear as he knew ben was always looking for trouble. “What do you want?” Sam stammered. I want your exam paper, Sam Wilson!” barked Ben. Sam hated it when people call his full name.

I was walking on the pathway to home, when I witnessed the incident. I looked at the bully and found him familiar. I was a little scared as I was shy but friendly person. I decided to be brave this time round. I walked closer and heard this: “No way!” “Why not?” I walked up and said, “Ben, what are you doing?” Ben told me to shut up, but instead I went to report the incident to a teacher who was walking by. It was Ms. Tan, our PE teacher. I told her about the incident and she reprimanded Ben and gave him a stern warning who promised to turnover a new leaf because he did not like getting reprimanded by Ms. Tan who was quite fierce.

Ben turned over a new leaf as he promised and apologized to Sam who accepted it. They became the best of friends and did almost everything together.

Cheesecake for Grandpa Corrections

1) An oven
2) The broken bits of biscuit would scatter all over the table.
3) The chocolate chips were too hot and might melt if they were added right away.
4) He helped to beat the mixture when the girls got tired.
5) They had to wait a long time for the cheesecake to become firm in the refrigerator.

Practice Sheet 7
1. Aunt Lucy would teach us to bake a cheesecake
2. we would make a mess
3. the chocolate chips would melt slowly and not get burnt.

1. we would not have to clean any mess on the table.
2. we would have to buy one.

Practice Sheet 8
1. I thought all cheesecakes needed an oven to bake in so I did not think that we could bake one at Grandpa's house.
2. We had to buy all the necessary ingredients otherwise Aunt Lucy would not teach us how to make cheesecake.
3. If my mother and I had known that we could make cheesecake without an oven, we would have made one for Grandpa ages ago.

It rains.
We will not go to the beach.

We will not go to the beach if it rains.


Finish your food.
You will not be allowed to play.

Finish your food, otherwise you will not be allowed to play.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Stimulus Based Conversation

Dear All,

 You may look at this video to have an idea of how to craft your answers during orals. Be confident in your responses and share your ideas and thoughts. Do practise this weekend! :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Using ORAL to craft thinking

Here is one of our friend's presentation. Use this as a guide to using ORAL to help you in your orals.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Oral practice on MCOnline

Dear girls,

Look at the picture below and use it to answer the questions in the oral buddy assigned to you.

Friday, April 11, 2014

How to draw an angle

We have been learning how to measure and draw angles using protractors. 

Here is the website which we viewed in class. If you need to recall, you can refer to it:

Here are the steps:

How to draw angles?
  1. Draw a straight line.
  2. Mark a point on the line. (This is where you place the center point of your protractor.)
  3. Align the line with the base line of the protractor.
  4. Mark the spot at the degree of measurement.
  5. Remove protractor.
  6.  Draw a line to connect the 2 markings.
  7. Label the angle.
  8. Check using protractor.

Have a good weekend! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Math AB Fractions Word Problems

Dear All, The video to help you with your fractions word problems in Activity Book.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Here are some Haikus that your classmates have done:

Shernise Chua

Xayna Kwek

Wan Shi En

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Audiobook for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Dear All,

As promised, the audiobook:

It is a little long, at 4 hours. I suggest that you listen to a little of it every day. Otherwise, you can borrow the book from the library. :)


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

CB 1 - Prince Wuti and the Frog Corrections

Page 10:

1. If I get the crown for you, you must not break the jar.
2. If I help you, you must stop disturbing the birds in the garden.
3. If my guards lower a bucket, you have to put my crown in it.
4. If I help you, you must not tell anyone about it.
5. If I save your home, you must get my crown back for me.

Page 11:

1. If I help you, you must play with me every day.
2. If I let you play with my toys, you must help me with my homework.
3. If I help you find your missing toy, you must help me with my homework.

1. If I help the frog, he must promise to play with me every day.
2. I will help the frog provided he promises to play with me every day.
3. I will help the frog but he must promise to play with me every day.
4. I will help the frog if he promises to play with me every day.

I will help you with your homework if you go to the zoo with me.
If you go to the zoo with me, I will help you with your homework.
I will help you provided you go to the zoo with me.
I will help you but you must go to the zoo with me.

Multiplication Game

As we are moving on to Factors and Multiples, let's revise our Multiplication tables.

Go to this website to pit your skills against other players:
Select the Multiplication game and share your score in the comments.
My score is 795! Can you beat that? :)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Rounding Off

Rounding off

Video 1: Rounding off to the nearest tens:

Video 2: Rounding off to the nearest hundreds:
Watch the videos and write down what you have learnt about rounding off. You can share it in the comments or in your Coursebook/ notebook. Have a good weekend!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Dear Girls,

We did Adverbs and Phrasal Verbs in class today.

Here is a video explaining what are adverbs. The song is catchy and simple! I love it!

Write in the comments what are the different types of adverbs and some examples.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

First Day of School

Dear All!

Welcome back to school and Happy 2014!

I am happy to see all of you again and am looking forward to having a great time with you.

Here is the timetable I promised to upload:

At the same time, the reminders for the day:

1) Bring Thermometer on 6th Jan (Monday)
2) Complete the profile document and submit on 6th Jan (Monday). 
If there are any changes in address, email addresses etc, please use a red pen to make changes. 
Please highlight the main number to contact as well.
3) Bring EL and Math books on 3rd Jan to be collected. Do write all your names in the books prior to submission.