Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Math Activities

1. Sudoku Online
Level 1 -- Click here!
Level 2 -- Click here!

(Always choose the easy level first!)

2. Lead.com.sg --> Test has been assigned!

3. Miss Liu's games (Multiplication games)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fire! Worksheet

(D) Page 4
1. (O) The person suggested that the fire broke out because of playing of matches, but the reason for the fire is not stated in the story.
2. (F) The person saw what was burnt.
3. (F) The person did hear the explosion.
4. (O) They did not know if the parents have forgotten to leave the keys with the children, so it is an opinion.
5. (O) ‘should’ tells us that it is an advice, so it is an opinion.

Pg 11
1.  You shouldn’t start a fire at the stove without adult supervision.
2.  You should ask your siblings to help you onto the chair.
3.  You shouldn’t play with matches.

Pg 10
2. Officer Dollah wanted to know who had started the fire.
3. My neighbour asked if my father had climbed over the gate.
5. Megan exclaimed that the curtains were on fire.
6. The parents were told that their children were unhurt.
7. Mrs Tan said that some children were in the kitchen.

8. Mr Tan explained that the front door was locked

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Words useful for describing what happens during a fire

  • Thick, heavy smoke
  • Reduced visibility
  • The curtains were ignited
  • Massive flames
  • Within minutes, the fire was raging out of control
  • Call the fire brigade
  • Fire fighters hook up to a fire hydrant, pull out the fire hoses and put the fire out
  • Ceilings were blackened, furniture was burnt

Watch the video here if you want to review:

Monday, May 5, 2014

Conclusion - A Lesson Learnt


Looking back, Harry learned that he should have listened to his mother’s advice not to jaywalk. (Lesson learnt) 

He promised to be more careful when crossing the road. 

Harry was relieved that he was not seriously injured and resolved to wake up earlier for school in the future. 

Bullying Incident Writing by Arwen

It was after school when Sam was skipping home. He was happy because he had got a good grade for his exam. He had combed his hair in an organized way in the morning yet it was still neat.

“La, la, la, la, la,” sang Sam in a happy mood while walking home. He was walking until, all of a sudden, Ben stood in front of Sam casting a shadow on Sam. Sam shook and shivered in fear as he knew ben was always looking for trouble. “What do you want?” Sam stammered. I want your exam paper, Sam Wilson!” barked Ben. Sam hated it when people call his full name.

I was walking on the pathway to home, when I witnessed the incident. I looked at the bully and found him familiar. I was a little scared as I was shy but friendly person. I decided to be brave this time round. I walked closer and heard this: “No way!” “Why not?” I walked up and said, “Ben, what are you doing?” Ben told me to shut up, but instead I went to report the incident to a teacher who was walking by. It was Ms. Tan, our PE teacher. I told her about the incident and she reprimanded Ben and gave him a stern warning who promised to turnover a new leaf because he did not like getting reprimanded by Ms. Tan who was quite fierce.

Ben turned over a new leaf as he promised and apologized to Sam who accepted it. They became the best of friends and did almost everything together.

Cheesecake for Grandpa Corrections

1) An oven
2) The broken bits of biscuit would scatter all over the table.
3) The chocolate chips were too hot and might melt if they were added right away.
4) He helped to beat the mixture when the girls got tired.
5) They had to wait a long time for the cheesecake to become firm in the refrigerator.

Practice Sheet 7
1. Aunt Lucy would teach us to bake a cheesecake
2. we would make a mess
3. the chocolate chips would melt slowly and not get burnt.

1. we would not have to clean any mess on the table.
2. we would have to buy one.

Practice Sheet 8
1. I thought all cheesecakes needed an oven to bake in so I did not think that we could bake one at Grandpa's house.
2. We had to buy all the necessary ingredients otherwise Aunt Lucy would not teach us how to make cheesecake.
3. If my mother and I had known that we could make cheesecake without an oven, we would have made one for Grandpa ages ago.

It rains.
We will not go to the beach.

We will not go to the beach if it rains.


Finish your food.
You will not be allowed to play.

Finish your food, otherwise you will not be allowed to play.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Stimulus Based Conversation

Dear All,

 You may look at this video to have an idea of how to craft your answers during orals. Be confident in your responses and share your ideas and thoughts. Do practise this weekend! :)