Friday, May 31, 2013

Everything is possible

Dear Children,

I saw this video online and thought that I would like to share it with you.

The little girl is only about 5 to 6 years-old and she was unfazed in the situation below. On top of that, she played great tennis! :)

I'm sure all of us have it inside us. It is a matter of practice and believing in ourselves. Find your passion and work on it!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Holiday Assignments

Dear Children,

Here are the holiday assignments as mentioned today.

1) Science Botanist and Zoologist Cards.
2) MConline (Assignments will be posted on 3rd June onwards)
3) Tasks on our class blog.
 - These tasks will be on all subjects and will require you to post a comment, solution or just a reply.
 - Every time you complete a task successfully, I will put a star on your name in this page: Task Tracker
 - When school reopens, girls who have completed a certain number of stars will be rewarded from my goodie box. I will also be giving a book to the girl who has completed the most number of tasks with shown effort. :)

4) Read at least 3 books this holiday! I will be doing the same and letting you know the books I have read.

If you have anything interesting you wish to share with your classmates, go to and post your information there.

Do make use of the holidays to do 3 R! Revise, Relax and Read!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why I should read everyday

I try to squeeze in some time every day for reading because it is a habit, and a hobby.

How about you? Do you know why you should read every day too? Show your parents this diagram and share with them the importance of reading. :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Certificates of Accomplishment and Super Reader Draw

Dear Children,

If you have read 25 books since the beginning of this year, please let me know as you would qualify for the Super Reader Draw.

If you have done 10 book reviews, do show it to me to get your Certificates as well.

Post in the comments below so that I can track easily.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Picture Discussion

Hi Children,

Here is a picture for you to practice your Picture Discussion. 

Remember S.DOC? --> Scene, Description, Opinion and Conclusion

Make use of S.DOC and type out what you would say for the picture below in the comments. Then practice saying it to your family members. 

If everyone does one, we will have plenty of ideas for this picture! :) 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Personal Qualities

Dear Children,

Please click on the word below to fill in the form. You must complete it or it will not be captured.

Personal Qualities